Thursday 20 February 2014

Beads and Baubles

These have been interesting days, my mind is racing, and processing so much. And oddly enough it is not over-whelming me too much. Which is saying something because some of the stuff I am dealing with mentally is some pretty deep shit.

Lately I have had moments, where I lock myself in the bathroom for 5 minutes or so, and I got to thinking the other day, as I sat in our relatively un-used and un-practical master-bath, that if I was going to be sitting in that space, calming down, I needed to make it a space that reflected me, and inspired me. A place of beauty and peace. A bathroom....

I moved some shelves around fully cleaned all the fixtures and the floors. I printed off some inspirational poster things to put on the wall, to read in dark moments. I dug out my box of baubles and beads that had been put away when we were moving rooms around. Its been ages since I've seen these treasures. My daughter really enjoyed looking at each new bauble and squealed in delight at brightly coloured stones, a little Buddha statue, little glass bottles.

I made it a beautiful room, in which to make myself beautiful (daily routine stuff etc) and also a place where I could vent and calm down, and read things that inspire me and make me laugh.

I am so very in love with this space, the flower I wore in my hair at my best friends wedding, My collection of Turtles from all over the world, a piece of broken ceramics from a jug my Mom used to have when I was a kid, a shell and a piece of coral from our trip to Vancouver when I was 4, a piece of lace that was hand made for me by a dear friend of mine.

This was a fun day ! I have also pulled my beads out to make some jewellry, but I'll post about that tomorrow :-) Good night Internet !!!

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