Saturday 22 February 2014

A busy day, and a few things to look forward to :-)

I have a lot to do today, but I am taking some time to write, because I am making it a goal to do this at least every other day.

March has 31 days, and I am in the process of making up a "game plan" of things I would like to accomplish and get done, learn, do etc in the Month of March.

I just recenly finished a 30 day fitness challenge (which was to excersise 30 days in a row, I suceeded). I am very proud of myself for sticking to it, because sticking to things like that, is something that I have struggled with greatly in the past. 

I am re-activating my consultant status with Arbonne, a product that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. I not only love the 35% discount, but being able to share this and be a connection to this amazing product for people around me, is an added bonus. I made the mistake last time of signing up just mere months after having a baby, and I am determined to actually have success in this business venture this time around. But more on that later.

I am starting to write and plan a series of blog posts on "products that I love". I can guarantee you will see a LOT of Arbonne in that series :-)

My one goal, is to make enough money to take an online Photography 101 class that is very highly recommended. It has been years since I have done anything so far as "school" where there is assignments and homework and stuff, but we just got a bad ass Canon camera for Christmas, its the Rebel EOS T3i and to be completely honest, I am TOTALLY lost. However in March, I am going to do a 31 day Photography challenge. So we shall see how that goes.

I have some sewing projects I would like to accomplish, my sewing machine has been sitting getting dusty for too long, and I am also eager to start figuring out how to use my new surger that is still sitting in the box because I am literally afraid of the thing.... don't ask me why but it just is such a whole new learning curve, and right now the thought of that fills me with fear, but it is a fear that I really want to face, because I still need to make a bunch of wipes, and a surger would increase the speed and value of what I am making by a huge amount. By the way, I have no idea if I am spelling surger right but there you are.

Tonight my husband is going to take the mattresses out of our spare room and put them in the basement for the time being, and I will finally be able to get in there and start setting the office up. Eventually the computer will be in there, but I can't wait to have a space where my sewing machine can be permanently set up :-) and making that space into a beautiful work environment is something that I am greatly looking forward too. I bought a Scentsy warmer for the office, I agonised for hours over which one I wanted, and it is sitting in the box, waiting for that room to be set up so that it can be set up as well and fill the space with the scent of hazelnut latte :-)

I have to get going, hungry kids are calling and so is my laundry and dishes. I promised Sharae we would make cookies today, and I know she is to young to hold me to that, but a promise is a promise, and I really want cookies !

Have a wonderful day !!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're honouring your promises, but what a way to get into it! Save some for me!
