Saturday 18 January 2014

Wow, 3 posts today :-P

Because I have nothing better to do today, I'm blogging again... However I am hoping that by doing a post about my 30 day fitness challenge will actually inspire me to do it. I had attempted to start a 20 day challenge, however in involved quite a bit of jumping jacks, and as any breastfeeding mother will tell you, that's not exactly a good idea... 

So, here it is !!!

So I found these 3 routines on Pinterest, and they seem simple enough, and require no equipment other than myself and my living room floor. I've printed them off and put them on my wall, right where I can see them every day. I even have shiny star stickers to put on each day as I complete it :-) Alright... I've said I'm going to do it, now the task is to wake up tomorrow and actually do it !!!

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