Saturday 8 March 2014

A Roller Coaster of a Ride!

Ugh this month has been HELL !

Yet its starting to get better. Mom has her Mojo back as I like to call it. I've been really struggling to find it lately, but I got it back ! And I am holding on for dear life to not let it go.

My house is finally looking like someone sane lives in it, maybe I will get around to inviting someone over this week.... we shall see.

I have had a lot of mental epiphanies this week, from recognising and acknowledging sources of anxiety, to figuring them out in my head... Processing !!!

I am going to refer back to my "mind palace" because I am not fully aware of the fact that I do indeed do this, maybe not in the way described, but I do have a way of compartmentalizing facts and emotions in my head, figuring out my thoughts and feelings, if I want to think them or feel them now or put them away to deal with later.

I am very good at putting things away to deal with later, just ask my Husband... this is something I do in my mind, and also emulate in real life. (Look at that... something I just figured out by typing it out in this blog... even if no one reads this POC I at least can get some good out of it)

I have been working the last few days on dealing with some of my stuff that I have put away for dealing with later.... That later is NOW... My bedroom is finally looking like a bedroom, my living room looks like people live in it, not simply "inhabit" it... I started taking my hubbies bachelor pad and turning it into a family home, and I got caught up in the making of the family and neglected the growing of my home....

It is all a work in progress, but does it make sense that I am finally falling in love with my space?

I am finally falling in love with myself?

I am finally allowing LOVE?

Pure ! Unadulterated LOVE !!!

Wow... I'm going to bed...